
Accelerate Region

Connecting the Extraordinary. The Cali Chamber of Commerce and Innpulsa Colombia (An Ministry of Commerce institution) developed the most ambitious project in the country. It was a business acceleration project.




Creative direction


Art direction


Graphic design




The Cali Chamber of Commerce and Innpulsa Colombia steamed up to consolidate the successful program at a national level. They named it #AceleraRegión, which called for enterprises from 8 Colombian regions. From these regions, 1651 ventures applied and selected 300 initiatives to participate in the first acceleration phase.

  • Build a creative concept that is transversal and coherent with the richness and cultural regions’ variety.
  • Organize a practical identity to implement for all communication teams of the participating Chambers of Commerce.

We highlighted the challenges that any venture, whether technological-based or traditional-based can have in common. Also, we brought those challenges together to strengthen the installed capacity of the Chambers of Commerce of each region. This action would help to understand these challenges and turn new initiatives into successful entrepreneurship.


We cross the idea of the butterfly effect and the magical realism of Colombia to connect the companies from different regions. Showing that all, regardless of their type of business, have challenges in common and that solving them, in San Andrés, Cartagena, or Bucaramanga, can be an example for another company in Cali or Armenia. That’s why colors, coffee beans, a monitor, or even an egg-producing farm, could arouse interest and curiosity to know… what do they have in common?

diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio


Agreeing with eight communication and design teams was the biggest challenge of the project. We then generated a practical identity to implement, which would allow the system to be consistent throughout the eight months of implementation. The key to remotely coordinate the project was that archives, typographies, colors, and morphologies depend on the guidelines of the Ministry of Commerce.


diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio


Audiovisual material, social networks, email marketing, reports, and even press releases, were the most common materials developed for the project.

diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio
diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio
diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio
diseño, cali, branding, brands, marca, marcas, emprendimiento, emprender, empresas, comunicación, diseño gráfico, colombia, usa, branders, logotipos, logos, isologos, logo, acelera region, aceleraregion, innpulsa, innpulsacolombia, ministerio de comercio

The manual

diseñadora industrial victoria avendaño

Are you ready to outshine the competition?

I'm Victoria Avendaño, and I'll tell you how we've done it.