LogoE plan

Your Logo:
Nicely done!

We’ve crafted a kickass microbranding program tailored for go-getter entrepreneurs who are in control of their destiny and ready to turn their dreams into a powerhouse business.

Plan LogoE

Tu Logo:
Bien hecho

Creamos un programa único de microbranding para emprendedores con carácter, dueños de su destino y con ganas de hacer de su sueño una empresa poderosa.

Equipo de trabajo Velove Branding Studio

A team of branding experts at your fingertips

You'll have access to top-notch professional service, tailored to your company's cash flow, and most importantly: you'll never be left hanging.

Our LogoE Plan doesn’t just hand you a world-class logo; it also comes with Microbranding consulting for startups and SME executives. It’ll get you up to speed on the key concepts to craft winning, competitive, and powerhouse brands.

Equipo de trabajo Velove Branding Studio

Un equipo de expertos en Branding a la mano

Tendrás acceso a un servicio profesional de primer nivel, ajustado al flujo de caja de tu empresa y lo más importante: Jamás te dejarán solo.

Nuestro Plan LogoE, además de entregarte un Logotipo de clase mundial, integra una consultoría de Microbranding para empresas emergentes y directivos PyME que te pondrá al día con los conceptos esenciales para crear marcas ganadoras, competitivas y poderosas.

Microbranding: How does it work?

We design your logo with a rigorous process that ensures a result that's anything but basic.

Week 1

Weeks 2 & 3

Weeks 4 & 5

Taking a deep
dive into your

We wanna know who we’re working for, and it ain’t you. It’s your customers.

Checking out
your competition

We’ll figure out who we need to outshine and how we can stand out.


About snagging customers and speaking their language.

We prototype
your logo

Beyond just choices, paths laid out by the strategy.

We put it
into action

We’ll lay down that first graphic vibe that’ll breathe life into the promise.

We hand it

All your stuff ready to go live.

Microbranding: ¿Cómo funciona?

Diseñamos tu Logotipo con un proceso riguroso que te garantiza un resultado muy lejos de ser básico.

Semana 1

Análisis de
tu empresa

Queremos saber para quién trabajamos y no es para ti. Es para tus clientes.

Análisis de
tu competencia

Identificaremos a quién tenemos que trasnochar y cómo nos tenemos que diferenciar.

Semana 2 y 3

de identidad

De cómo conquistar clientes y hablarles correctamente.

tu logotipo

Más que opciones, caminos fijados por la estrategia.

Semana 4 y 5


Crearemos ese universo gráfico inicial que le dará vida a la promesa.


Todo tu material listo para salir al aire.

What you get

Our agile co-creation process helps build your brand, identify shared values with your stakeholders, and communicate it so brilliantly that your competition will lose sleep trying to figure out how you did it. Ring any bells?

A world-class

Fully optimized and delivered with files in all necessary formats, ready to go.

Checking out
the competition

How they’re showing up in the market, how they’re talking, and how we’re going to outshine them.

Brand manual
and identity profile

How to rock your logo and keep your brand identity in check.

Practical guide to
managing your files
like a boss

Entrepreneurship is 99% self-management. We’ve got a guide to help you nail file usage.

Lo que recibes

Nuestro proceso de co-creación ágil permite consolidar tu marca, identificar los valores compartidos con tus grupos de interés y comunicarlo de forma tan grandiosa que tu competencia se va a desvelar tratando de descifrar cómo lo hiciste. ¿Te suena entonces?

Un Logotipo de
clase mundial

Optimizado y entregado con archivos en todos los formatos necesarios, listo para usar.

Análisis de
la competencia

Cómo se presentan en el mercado, cómo le hablan y de qué manera los vamos a trasnochar.

Manual de marca
y perfil de identidad

Cómo usar correctamente tu logotipo y qué debes cuidar de tu identidad.

Guía práctica para
autogestión de archivos

Emprender es 99% autogestión. Incluimos una guía para que uses los archivos correctamente.

Is your logo hitting the mark?

Grab our free diagnostic kit and put it to the test with a quick questionnaire.
kit de diagnostico velove branding studio

    I agree to the terms of the data policy

    ¿Tu Logo funciona?

    Descarga gratis nuestro kit de diagnóstico y ponlo a prueba con un sencillo cuestionario.
    kit de diagnostico velove branding studio

      Acepto los términos de la política de datos

      Our mission:
      Easing the stress

      Repeat after me: We'll never leave you hanging, and we won't charge you an extra dime.
      Unique edge Other design studios Ad agencies Freelancers/Relatives Velové Branding Studio
      Payment options
      Backing and support
      Dedicated professional team
      Sticking to the schedule
      In-house infrastructure
      No hidden fees

      Our branding service experience has been built on these unique points that our clients have allowed us to gather throughout various interactions. We validate everything through a service rating process at the end of each project.

      How much?

      No hidden costs, uncertain timelines, or undefined deliverables.

      We’re also a small business ourselves, so we know how the cash flow works. That’s why our Microbranding Plan includes:

      Interest-free financing:

      • 40% down payment.
      • 30% in 30 days.
      • 30% in 60 days.


      • – 5% for early payment.

      LogoE plan

      US $1.900
      • Company analysis and identity profile
      • Competitor benchmarking.
      • Graphic design for 1 logo.
      • Logo usage manual in PDF.
      • Implementation across 4 digital or physical graphic pieces.
      • Optimized logo files in all necessary formats.
      • Access to brand files on our servers for 30 days
      • Brand file usage guide.
      • Estimated time: around 5 - 6 weeks

      LogoE+ plan

      US $3.200
      • Company analysis and identity profile
      • Competitor benchmarking.
      • Graphic design for 1 logo.
      • Logo usage manual in PDF.
      • Implementation across 10 digital or physical graphic pieces.
      • Optimized logo files in all necessary formats.
      • Access to brand files on our servers for 6 months.
      • Brand file usage guide.
      • Estimated time: around 6 - 7 weeks

      Los alcances

      Sin costos ocultos, tiempos inciertos ni entregables indefinidos.

      También somos PyME y sabemos cómo se comporta la caja. Es por eso que nuestro Plan de Microbranding contempla:

      Financiación sin intereses:

      • 40% de anticipo.
      • 30% a los 30 días.
      • 30% a los 60 días.


      • – 5% por pago anticipado.

      Plan LogoE

      • Análisis y perfil de identidad de la compañía.
      • Benchmarking de competidores.
      • Diseño gráfico de 1 Logotipo.
      • Manual de uso del logotipo en PDF.
      • Implementación sobre 4 piezas gráficas digitales o físicas.
      • Archivos optimizados del logotipo en todos los formatos necesarios.
      • Acceso a los archivos de marca en nuestros servidores durante 30 días.
      • Guía de uso para los archivos de marca.
      • Tiempo estimado: 5 – 6 semanas aprox.

      Plan LogoE+

      • Análisis y perfil de identidad de la compañía.
      • Benchmarking de competidores.
      • Diseño gráfico de 1 Logotipo.
      • Manual de uso del logotipo en PDF.
      • Implementación sobre 10 piezas gráficas digitales o físicas.
      • Archivos optimizados del logotipo en todos los formatos necesarios.
      • Acceso a los archivos de marca en nuestros servidores durante 6 meses.
      • Guía de uso para los archivos de marca.
      • Tiempo estimado: 6 – 7 semanas aprox.

      Tarifas en pesos colombianos (COP). Sólo aplican para MiPymes y emprendedores con operaciones dentro del territorio colombiano.

      Why choose us?

      It's simple: We do branding. Not advertising, not marketing, no smoke and mirrors. Just branding.

      We're fair

      We adapt our business model to let you access world-class service. We call that snagged the fire.

      We're a team

      Beyond design, our focus is on service excellence. We guarantee dedicated support where you’ll never be or feel alone.

      We're patients

      We listen, we understand the stage your project is in, and we’ll give you more insight into managing your brand.

      We're company

      Gotta say it: We’re not gonna leave you hanging, and we think you know what we’re talking about. We’ll draw up a contract, we’ll make sure of it.

      A couple of good examples

      All our process has been tested by our clients.

      A couple of good examples

      All our process has been tested by our clients.


      We've supported ambitious leaders, from restaurants to cutting-edge tech startups.
      Logotipo para restaurantes
      Logotipo para constructora o parcelación campestre
      Logotipo para urbanización campestre San Martín en Santander de Quilichao
      Logotipo para café en Buenos Aires Argentina
      Logotipo para cafetería en Roldanillo Valle del Cauca
      Logotipo para ecommerce en Cali Colombia
      Logotipo para aplicación o app de mascotas en Cali
      Logotipo para observatorio en la Universidad del Valle Cali
      Logotipo para emprendimiento digital
      logotipo AdFinem abogados hecho por velove branding studio
      logotipo avenir fondo de empleados hecho por velove branding studio
      logotipo dazzet hecho por velove branding studio


      Hemos acompañado a líderes emprendedores y exigentes, desde restaurantes a emprendimientos tecnológicos de última generación.
      Logotipo para restaurantes
      Logotipo para constructora o parcelación campestre
      Logotipo para urbanización campestre San Martín en Santander de Quilichao
      Logotipo para cafetería en Roldanillo Valle del Cauca
      Logotipo para ecommerce en Cali Colombia
      Logotipo para aplicación o app de mascotas en Cali
      Logotipo para observatorio en la Universidad del Valle Cali
      Logotipo para emprendimiento digital
      logotipo AdFinem abogados hecho por velove branding studio
      logotipo avenir fondo de empleados hecho por velove branding studio
      logotipo dazzet hecho por velove branding studio

      From 1 to 5: 5

      We measure our rigor. Our focus on service demands that we deliver on our promises.
      • Velové really got under our skin, understood our purpose, our people, our stakeholders, and became one of us. After knowing everything about us, they projected us into a world-class brand that we’re proud of and fully identify with.

        Julián Sánchez
        CIO Bidda S.A.S.
      • If you love Branding, it shows in everything you do, and Velové is absolutely consistent in that.

        Juan Carlos Velásquez
        Design Area Director, Cali Chamber of Commerce
      • Velové really got what WeKall meant to us and our customers, managing to connect us in a unique way and transmit that value proposition quickly and easily to our prospects, clients, employees, and suppliers. Definitely the best decision of 2018.

        Felipe Sánchez
        CEO Bidda S.A.S.
      • The experience with Velové was really pleasant. They’re an organized company, very punctual with the proposed schedule, and above all, they have a high level of creativity, which ensures successful results for the client.

        Julieth Carbonell
        Manager, Employees Fund, Cali Chamber of Commerce


      I ask, therefore I am

      I'm a small business with a tight budget.

      We’re also a small business and need to charge for what we do. So, if we can’t close a deal (we’ll surely explore all options), we’ll gladly recommend you to one of our friendly colleagues who we know can fit your budget and definitely get the project done.

      What kind of discount can you hook me up with?

      We offer a 5% discount for early payment. If the scope is smaller than what we’ve quoted, we can offer some guidance.

      What sectors have you guys worked in?

      Our focus is stronger on B2B, and we’ve served nearly every sector in that category.

      If I want to make a change, do you guys charge me for that?

      Our process ensures step-by-step decision-making. That means changes aren’t made arbitrarily or unilaterally. So, once each step is approved, if there’s a significant change, we’ll have to make it. If it’s just a color or simple composition adjustment, it’s covered by our guarantee and there’s no additional cost.

      How many options do you guys deliver?

      We usually present 2 options. Our workflow process focuses on a solution/concept that allows us to explore the most relevant alternatives, avoiding subjectivity.

      Can I involve some of my team in the process?

      Of course! We recommend having a maximum of 2 people involved throughout the process to help make decisions, not to overwhelm you with doubts.

      Do you help with printing or is it included in the price?

      None of the plans include it. We have a set of suppliers who will help you get everything with the same standards as our service.

      Does it include a website?

      No, but we can add a quote for that.

      Do you guys handle copyright or trademark registration?

      We have a legal partner who will guide you through the process. They’ll take care of verifying with the SIC and handling the paperwork.

      How often should I change my brand?

      We believe it’s not about time but about timing. If your business strategy doesn’t align with your brand strategy, it’s time to do it. Your company’s brand should represent the present and the future.

      How do I know if I should change my brand?

      You can get our Diagnostic Kit here and check if your brand is working.

      What comes next after the project is finished?

      We’ll support you afterward with its implementation. Plus, we offer an additional 5% discount on your first purchase once the current project is finished.

      Do you guys provide a warranty? Is there after-sales support?

      Yes, the warranty includes minor adjustments to the files, resending of lost files, and temporary backup depending on the contracted scope.

      Do I get the original files?

      Yes, we deliver absolutely everything, and we don’t charge you a dime for storage on our servers depending on your scope.

      Do you have any questions that aren’t covered?

      diseñadora industrial victoria avendaño

      Are you ready to outshine the competition?

      I'm Victoria Avendaño, and I'll tell you how we've done it
      diseñadora industrial victoria avendaño

      ¿Estás listo para trasnochar a la competencia?

      Soy Victoria Avendaño y te contaré cómo lo hemos hecho

      We're a company

      Part of:

